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Insider tip Val Venosta/Vinschgau

The land of diversity

A journey across South Tyrol’s “wild west” …

Val Venosta/Vinschgau is located in South Tyrol’s West. Thanks to its “hidden” location it is often forgotten by travellers in South Tyrol. But this part of the country has a lot to offer – at least as much as any other part of South Tyrol. Here you can embark on hiking, biking, swimming, skiing and all the other activities which are possible in the north Italian mountain region. Beside unforgettable sights like the legendary Lago Resia/Reschensee Lake with its tower or the Senales Glacier, the Val Venosta/Vinschgau is a paradise for culture and history fans. Discover the traces of Celts, Romans and Raeto-Romans, found right beside quaint farms and villages. Especially worth a mention is the marble of Lasa/Laas, which is known and used worldwide because of its high quality and beauty. Other highlights are the medieval town Glorenza/Glurns or the village Malles/Mals. You plan to visit one of South Tyrol’s hotels in August? Then do not miss the South Tyrolean Medieval Knight Games in Sluderno/Schluderns near the Churburg Castle!

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