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A blessing for body and soul

Five reasons why you should do yoga

Bring body and mind into harmony with yoga: The gentle practice from India not only has fantastic effects on physical well-being, but also on the mind.

Anyone who puts yoga in the esoteric corner is doing an injustice to this ancient practice.  Hardly any other sport has as many positive effects on our physical and mental health as yoga. Thanks to its strengthening and stress-reducing effects, yoga provides a healthy balance during your stay at a wellness hotel in South Tyrol. At Belvita, you will be guided by expert yoga teachers that help you get the posture right. Why you should give it a try? There are so many reasons – here are the top five.
Reason 1: Yoga reduces levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. This helps you to reduce everyday stress, counteract illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure, and improve sleep quality. Furthermore, yoga regulates hormonal imbalance, strengthens the heart, and improves concentration.
Reason 2: Yoga promotes the natural detoxification of the body. It stimulates the bowels, helps eliminate toxins, and makes you feel fit and full of energy.
Reason 3: Yoga strengthens the body by gently toning the muscles.
Reason 4: Yoga helps lengthen the spine, reducing pain and tension.
Reason 5: Yoga improves physical well-being, harmonises the emotions, and gives confidence.
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