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Nature = Wellness

What we really need in life

Do you feel like new-born after a walk in the woods? Then brace yourself: South Tyrolean wellness means relaxation amidst mountains, woods, and alongside rivers and has an even more positive effect on your health.

Whenever every-day life seems to become too much, it is time to retreat into nature. The silence of the woods, the chirping of the birds and the view of the mountains on the horizon helps step off the treadmill and become still within. A wellness hotel in Italy of the Belvita Leading Wellnesshotels Südtirol combines highest quality with peaceful, quiet, and pristine nature. South Tyrol, the unique region on the southern border of the Alps, features eight natural preserves with a total of 180,000 hectares of flora and fauna. Numerous natural treasures, such as the earth pyramids, the ancient larches in Val d’Ultimo/Ultental, or the ice holes near Appiano/Eppan will make you see our world with new eyes. Wellness in South Tyrol is all about connecting with nature and nothing but wellbeing for body and mind. After a short time here you will reconnect to yourself and leave recharged and with new vigour, ready again for every-day life.

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