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Delicious fennel

Our favourite recipe

A healthy gut is a healthy body. And what vegetable could be more beneficial for digestion than fennel? Here is our recipe tip for you!

If you love wellness hotels in the Dolomites, you’ll also love the traditional Alpine-Mediterranean cuisine of the region. Digestion plays an important part in our well-being. That's why we're happy to present our favourite Mediterranean fennel recipe – which is healthy and delicious at the same time. The essential oils of the fennel keep the stomach healthy and act as a traditional digestive aid. 100g of fennel are enough to meet the daily iron requirement of an adult. The wondrous vegetable also contains considerable amounts of vitamins. Have fun cooking with it!


  • Wash and clean 4 small fennel bulbs, then dice into small cubes.
  • Heat up 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 50g of onion, and 1 finely chopped clove of garlic. Add 1 tablespoon of capers and sauté for a short time.
  • Add the fennel, 200ml of water, and let steam for 15 minutes. 
  • Season with salt and pepper, add 100g of cherry tomatoes and 100g of olives. Steam for another 5 minutes.
  • Serve with parsley and fennel greens. 
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