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Digital detox

In the mountains and at home

Being less attached to your smartphone is incredibly beneficial – even if it takes a little effort. Here are our digital detox tips.

Don’t touch your phone before breakfast. We know, it’s not easy. And it happens to the best of us: We wake up and the first thing we do is grab our smartphone. Most often, it’s already on our bedside table. We check our inbox, have a look at our appointments, and read the news – that is anything but a healthy start to the day. Our first tip for your digital detox in everyday life is to stop doing this. Our second tip: choose on analogue alternatives. Use a real alarm clock instead of your smartphone to get up in the morning. Stick Post-it notes on your walls to remind you of things. Read print newspapers to keep yourself up-to-date. Last but not least, don’t feel bad if you don’t answer immediately. It's okay to take your time and not be permanently available. This is how you move from reacting to acting. The easiest way to start your digital detox is in a hotel in South Tyrol, maybe even during last-minute spa holidays. Wellness, mountains, culture, and outdoor activities – the smartphone is quickly forgotten. PS: Remember to pack a real camera.

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