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All you need to plan your Belvita holiday

Enquiries, newsletter, online-booking & more

Your Belvita holiday experience starts here – this section provides all the information and tools you need to plan your spa holiday in a few quick, hassle-free steps. We take care of every detail to offer you first-class services long before you check into one of our Belvita Leading Wellnesshotels Südtirol! The quick enquiry- and booking tools allow you to get an overview of the best Belvita offers and secure them in no time. The Belvita newsletter is a great way to keep up to date with the next events and highlights in South Tyrol. The Belvita vouchers make for a wonderful gift idea and if you have already spent a holiday in South Tyrol in one of the Belvita hotels, you qualify for our fidelity programme. By the way, feel free to recommend us: you will be rewarded!

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