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Harmony for body and soul: amber massage

All about the healing massage with yellow gemstone

Most people know amber as a pretty, honey-coloured gemstone. But only few realise that amber is a fossil resin, which is up to 260 million years old and, thanks to its electrostatic properties, has healing powers. It is precisely this healing effect that is utilised in a particularly beneficial wellness treatment: amber massage. Find out how amber massage works and what health-promoting effects it can have.

What is an amber massage?

Amber massage is a gentle energetic massage that makes use of amber stones of various sizes as well as amber oil. During this massage, amber stones are placed along the body’s energy lines and then moved over the skin with circular and stroking movements. The joints in particular are treated in a targeted manner. The oil used for the massage consists of pure natural amber oil and cold-pressed plant oils.

What does amber massage do for body and soul?

Thanks to its electromagnetic properties, amber is said to be able to eliminate interference fields. This is why amber massage is considered a holistic massage that helps to achieve deep relaxation as well as peace and harmony for body and soul. It not only helps to reduce stress and release energy blockages in the body, but also promotes mental well-being by bringing body, mind, and soul back into harmony. Amber massage also improves circulation, relieves muscle tension, and promotes the removal of waste products from the body. This special form of massage is also said to have positive effects on the cartilage structure of the joints. Last but not least, amber massage activates the immune system and the central nervous system. Amber massage can therefore be described as a form of massage with a whole host of regenerative effects.

At Belvita Leading Wellnesshotels Südtirol, amber massages are offered by professional massage therapists for an all-round relaxing spa experience.

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